Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research
The Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research (ELRDR) is an ICPEL Publication of Doctoral Research in Education Leadership and a companion peer-reviewed journal to the Education Leadership Review (ELR). Lead authors are recent doctoral graduates with chair or committee member/s serving as coauthor/s.
Jafeth E. Sanchez, Editor
University of Nevada, Reno
Jennifer K. Clayton, Assistant Editor
George Washington University
Theodore Creighton, Founding Editor
Dissertation Perfection
Current Issue - Volume 12, Fall 2024
ISSN 2832-4250
The Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research (ELRDR) is an ICPEL Publication of Doctoral Research in Education Leadership and a companion peer-reviewed journal to the Education Leadership Review (ELR). Lead authors are recent doctoral graduates with chair or committee member/s serving as coauthor/s.
Jafeth E. Sanchez, Editor
University of Nevada, Reno
Jennifer K. Clayton, Assistant Editor
George Washington University
Theodore Creighton, Founding Editor
Dissertation Perfection
Current Issue - Volume 12, Fall 2024
ISSN 2832-4250
Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research Issues
Volume 11, Fall 2023
Volume 10, Fall 2022
Volume 9, Fall 2021
Volume 8, Fall/Winter 2020
Volume 7, Fall/Winter 2019
Volume 6, Fall/Winter 2018
Volume 5, Fall 2017
Volume 4, Spring 2017
Volume 3, Spring 2016
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2015
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2015
Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2014
Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2014
Submission Information
The URL for submission is:
Preliminary Requirements
1. Submissions are only accepted if they are from recent dissertation research and the results are from traditional dissertations, action research, and/or capstone projects.
2. Lead author must be the author of the research project.
3. Chairs and committee members are encouraged to serve as co-authors.
4. The research submitted must be a result of a completed dissertation or other doctoral culminating product from the last two-years from date of current ELRDR issue (e.g., if Fall 2020 Issue; dissertation must have been completed by Fall 2018 or later).
5. Submissions made by June 1st each year will be considered for publication in our Fall issue.
6. If manuscripts appear to be a cut/paste from a dissertation, they will be returned to the author and not considered further — manuscripts are to be a “review” of doctoral research and rewritten in the voice and tense appropriate to an audience of practicing school leaders, the professorate, and fellow doctoral students in education administration programs.
Submission Process
1. Manuscripts must not exceed 30 pages (including references), double-spaced, in Times New Roman size 12 font, and formatted following the 7th edition of the APA manual .
2. All manuscripts must be submitted through the ICPEL FastTrack electronic submission process.
3. All tables and figures are to inserted in text as the author/s desires – do not include at the end of the document with “insert here” directions.
4. Each submission must include a 50-100 word Abstract.
5. Tables should be created with Word Insert Table (not by using tabs and spaces).
6. Along with the manuscript, authors should include a short Word document, addressing items 1-5 in Preliminary Requirements above.
Review Process
1. Each submitting author will be assigned to an Editorial Advisor. This advisor will serve as a friendly upfront reviewer and communicate directly with the author regarding formatting and style issues. The rationale for this preliminary step is to catch any basic formatting problems up front, before the manuscript is considered for formal consideration.
2. Upon approval from the editorial advisor, the manuscript is subjected to a double-blind review by reviewers, editors and editorial advisors.
3. Authors should expect to respond to revision and editing requests from editorial advisor and editors in a timely manner.
Volume 11, Fall 2023
Volume 10, Fall 2022
Volume 9, Fall 2021
Volume 8, Fall/Winter 2020
Volume 7, Fall/Winter 2019
Volume 6, Fall/Winter 2018
Volume 5, Fall 2017
Volume 4, Spring 2017
Volume 3, Spring 2016
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2015
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2015
Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2014
Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2014
Submission Information
The URL for submission is:
Preliminary Requirements
1. Submissions are only accepted if they are from recent dissertation research and the results are from traditional dissertations, action research, and/or capstone projects.
2. Lead author must be the author of the research project.
3. Chairs and committee members are encouraged to serve as co-authors.
4. The research submitted must be a result of a completed dissertation or other doctoral culminating product from the last two-years from date of current ELRDR issue (e.g., if Fall 2020 Issue; dissertation must have been completed by Fall 2018 or later).
5. Submissions made by June 1st each year will be considered for publication in our Fall issue.
6. If manuscripts appear to be a cut/paste from a dissertation, they will be returned to the author and not considered further — manuscripts are to be a “review” of doctoral research and rewritten in the voice and tense appropriate to an audience of practicing school leaders, the professorate, and fellow doctoral students in education administration programs.
Submission Process
1. Manuscripts must not exceed 30 pages (including references), double-spaced, in Times New Roman size 12 font, and formatted following the 7th edition of the APA manual .
2. All manuscripts must be submitted through the ICPEL FastTrack electronic submission process.
3. All tables and figures are to inserted in text as the author/s desires – do not include at the end of the document with “insert here” directions.
4. Each submission must include a 50-100 word Abstract.
5. Tables should be created with Word Insert Table (not by using tabs and spaces).
6. Along with the manuscript, authors should include a short Word document, addressing items 1-5 in Preliminary Requirements above.
Review Process
1. Each submitting author will be assigned to an Editorial Advisor. This advisor will serve as a friendly upfront reviewer and communicate directly with the author regarding formatting and style issues. The rationale for this preliminary step is to catch any basic formatting problems up front, before the manuscript is considered for formal consideration.
2. Upon approval from the editorial advisor, the manuscript is subjected to a double-blind review by reviewers, editors and editorial advisors.
3. Authors should expect to respond to revision and editing requests from editorial advisor and editors in a timely manner.